
What is a will, and why should I consider one?

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, planning for what comes after can be easily overlooked. How do you make sure that everything you’ve worked hard for in life goes to the right people?

That’s where a will comes in and, without the help of a legal professional guiding you along the way, organising a will can seem quite overwhelming. In this Spencer Churchill blog post, we’re going to look at what exactly a will is, and why you should get one.

  • What is a will?
  • Why do I need a will?
  • Why choose a will with Spencer Churchill?

What is a will?

A will is a legal document outlining what happens to your belongings and property in the event of your death. Through a will, you state who receives what (the beneficiaries), and who should oversee the distribution of everything listed in the will (the executor).

A will makes sure that your wishes are carried out after death, providing clarity in your absence and reducing the risk of potential conflict over who should rightfully receive what.

Why should I get a will?

There are many reasons why getting a will is important for you and your family. Without one, there is a risk for conflict and confusion that can lead to your belongings ending up where you wouldn’t want them.

Property distribution

When it comes to distributing your belongings, a will gives you the ability to state explicitly how your assets will be divided amongst your chosen beneficiaries. Without a will, distribution of your property can go into the hands of an external party, which may conflict with how you would’ve wanted your things handled.

Dictate guardianship of your dependents

Will and testament isn’t just about distribution of your property, it can also dictate who takes care of any minor children, dependents, or pets to make sure they are legally in the hands of those you trust.

Prevent family conflict

A well-drafted will prevents potential conflict amongst family members who would otherwise be uncertain about who is entitled to your belongings and estate. This uncertainty can lead to strained relationships and long-term conflict amongst those who survive you.

Why choose a will with Spencer Churchill?

We know that, while wills are important, putting them together can feel overwhelming and stressful – that’s where the good folk at Spencer Churchill come in.

Let us keep you in the know at every turn as we make organising your will simple and accessible. Our commitment to clarity is there to empower you, to help you make informed decisions without confusion, and to offer peace of mind and confidence all the way.

Our expert team of legal professionals is dedicated to offering a reliable expert will writing service – from drafting your initial documents to safeguarding your intentions and assets for the future. Expect regular updates and an open-door policy that addresses any questions or concerns promptly and thoroughly.

Get in touch with the team at Spencer Churchill today, and see that securing the best future for your loved ones doesn’t have to be a pain.